Milton Tan Dreambook
Dreams: a dynamic realm of possibility and the nonsensical, fleetingly masquerading as reality. It is no wonder why Dr. Tan always kept a notebook by his bedside to write or sketch the ideas that would visit through dreams. Taking after its namesake and purpose, this blog shares our ideas, observations and experiences with design and creativity with the hopes that you, in turn, will share yours.

The Wooden Elephant Story
A traveller comes across a local craftsman carving ornate elephants out of wood. Fascinated by the craftsman’s skill and the beauty of each and every wooden elephant, the traveller asks the craftsman, “How do you make such beautiful elephants?”. The craftsman responds, “First, I take my block of wood. Then, I take my trusty carving knife. And I carve away everything that is not an elephant.”

Don’t Mind If I Ask…
Don’t Mind If’s inaugural communications design community and industry survey report provides a much needed and overdue introspection into Singapore’s creative industry. If you’re part of this colourful community, considering a path in it or even just curious, grab a copy and peak at the consolidated perspectives on what makes it tick.

A Decorator Crab’s View on Creativity
Unlike specific octopi or cuttlefish, arguably the masters in the art of camouflage, decorator crabs do not have the natural ability to effortlessly replicate the colours and/ or textures of our environment. Instead, I must invest in my environment in order to pass off as nearly as masterful in this artform. My motives for survival are clearly different from yours as students of creativity. But I believe we share common ground in the pursuit of our respective artforms.

Why some Ideas take a long time to be taken up?
Roof gardens and “sky rise” landscaping is now a rage in many cities such as New York and Singapore. It’s like, “why didn’t we think of this before?”

Another Example of Visual Thinking
There are many exciting possibilities of being able to think visually. They are divergent, exploratory and do not attempt to be ‘correct’

Visual Thinking in Practice
Many know about visual thinking or “visual literacy” but consider it unreliable and ‘fuzzy’. It’s not.

Sight for Sore Eyes
It is almost too easy to look for “sights for sore eyes” in ‘pure’ nature.