Milton Tan Dreambook
Dreams: a dynamic realm of possibility and the nonsensical, fleetingly masquerading as reality. It is no wonder why Dr. Tan always kept a notebook by his bedside to write or sketch the ideas that would visit through dreams. Taking after its namesake and purpose, this blog shares our ideas, observations and experiences with design and creativity with the hopes that you, in turn, will share yours.

The Wooden Elephant Story
A traveller comes across a local craftsman carving ornate elephants out of wood. Fascinated by the craftsman’s skill and the beauty of each and every wooden elephant, the traveller asks the craftsman, “How do you make such beautiful elephants?”. The craftsman responds, “First, I take my block of wood. Then, I take my trusty carving knife. And I carve away everything that is not an elephant.”

Don’t Mind If I Ask…
Don’t Mind If’s inaugural communications design community and industry survey report provides a much needed and overdue introspection into Singapore’s creative industry. If you’re part of this colourful community, considering a path in it or even just curious, grab a copy and peak at the consolidated perspectives on what makes it tick.

Vexillology as a Case for Design Thinking & Awareness
“My mission is to get people to engage with the design that they care about so they begin to pay attention to all forms of design… When you decode the world with design intent in mind, the world becomes kind of magical.” - Roman Mars

50 Most Influential in Singapore Design 2015: Beacons of Inspiration
Instrumental in developing international design relationships, Tan recognised the importance of highlighting Singapore design on a global scale.

One of my favourite accounts on creativity
Creative people alter the way we see the world. They introduce the surprising, even shocking, alternative to the things we take for-granted as permanent and unchanging.

To Brand a Design or To Design a Brand
Those who understand branding today, subject the “branding process” to design thinking.

Designed by Hand
We treasure these perhaps because we are naturally nostalgic of our human capabilities; and acutely conscious of our human limitations.

Alternative Value Propositions
Designers are in a good position to propose alternative value propositions. But they need to be laterally creative and not be so naïve about how bureaucrats and bean-counters work. A creative win-win is often the only way.

Some things don’t change
Change can be extremely slow and surprisingly resilient. This of course can be a good or bad or indifferent thing.

Emergent Sub-shapes
Visual perception is a key to creative thinking. If there is a ‘correct’ way to see every thing, our world will be uninteresting.

When Productivity is Nonsense
The concept of “productivity” is a hangover from the industrial economy.

We do not live in a ready-made world. It must be designed.*
“Designers are, one way or another, futurists.” — Richard Seymour

The Writing on the Studio Wall
It is assumed that the studio is the best rehearsal of the “real world” of practice.

Design in Singapore’s Economic Strategies
Beyond the strangely-familiar call for improved productivity, you will not miss “design”.

Virtual Meetings are Virtually Impossible
AI’s long-fought frontier of natural language processing and gesture-based controls has made some progress over the decades, but this occasion with MM Lee shows how intractable this can be.

Singapore Plans for 2050!
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

12 Ugly Things
I don’t deliberately go looking for ugly things, nor do I believe people go round deliberately to design and make ugly things; however, the level of apathy in some cases make you wonder.

Playing Pun
I enjoy puns. Witty puns are found in all creative activity, and ‘played’ everywhere, anytime and by anybody.

(H)our Clocks
How can you to thank those who provided unwavering support and encouragement to you even when they have a million other better things to do?